Vaga Para Project officer

Good Neighbors Mozambique

The Good Neighbors Mozambique is looking for a Project officer to be based in Cabo Delgado.


  • Conduct effective planning, development, management and technical support as needed, which includes overseeing all activities to ensure construction works meet technical standards, designs, List of Quantities (BoQs), quality and schedule;
  • Monitor and mentor the construction team;
  • Ensure efficient use of all resources;
  • Work directly with Construction Company and communities to deliver project activities aligned with the work plan and budget;
  • Coordinate and monitor daily supervision and quality control of the construction works and construction company/contractor to build as per stipulated contract terms and conditions;
  • Compiling detailed progress reports for GNMOZ/GNJP management and other stakeholders, enabling real-time tracking of construction progress;
  • Participate in the monthly monitoring visits and/or spot checks jointly by GNMOZ;
  • Identify bottlenecks and propose the remedial action, any significant bottleneck identified should be reported as soon as possible to reach targets and deliverables on time;
  • Work with stakeholders to ensure all required inputs are timely provided and project schedule is met, (In kind contribution of the partners).

To qualify you need

  • Degree in Constructor related studies, engineering, related areas;
  • Worquing knowledge of English and Portuguese, highly preferably both;
  • Familiarity with GIS, data analysis software and water modelling software preferred.

Experience required

  • Experience working in water, sanitation and hygiene sector (including water quality testing, design of and technical advice on Gravity-Flown and PV Solar System);
  • At least 2 years’ experience with an NGO;
  • Experience working in emergency programs;
  • Experience developing and conducting training and capacity building of staff and stakeholders.

Languages required

Fluency in English, Portuguese and the local language (both spoken and written).

we encourage applications from people residing in Cabo Delgado

How to apply

Qualified candidates are requested to submit a CV in English and Portuguese languages.

Note: write in the subject: vacancy Name-candidate name



Validade: 25/10/2022

Local da Vaga: Cabo-Delgado

Para se candidatar a esta vaga envie seus detalhes por e-mail para